Shamanism: Course Providers

If you are looking for a shamanic course, workshop or training in shamanism please look at our listings below. Online and home study courses providers are listed in alphabetical order by first name. All other course providers are listed by location, then name. Contact details and website links are given so you can contact the practitioner/trainer directly.

If you are a course provider running shamanic courses or training in shamanism, consideration for inclusion on our list is one of the benefits included with an Indie Shaman subscription. Please note that listing is not guaranteed and may be subject to references and other verification. Professional colleagues and partners of Indie Shaman may also be considered for inclusion on our list. All practitioners, teachers, mentors and trainers included on our list must confirm they agree with our Aims and Ethics for Practitioners. If you would like to be considered for inclusion in our list please contact us.

Please note due to Indie Shaman’s planned closure in 2025 we are not currently taking new listings from non-subscribers.


Fotoula Adrimi – The Isis School of Holistic Health

Fotoula Adrimi, BA(Hons), MSc, is the director of the ISIS School of Holistic Health, an international school of healing arts, spiritual development and inner transformation through vibrational energy work, enlightened teachings, shamanism and meditation. She is part of the global network of Shamanic Teachers under Sandra Ingerman. Fotoula lives and works in Glasgow, Scotland, has taught in Germany and the Netherlands, and has led spiritual pilgrimages to Egypt. Her first book, The Golden Book of Wisdom: Ancient Spirituality and Shamanism for Modern Times, an Amazon UK bestseller, is an epitome of spiritual learning, mysticism, and soul evolution.

  • Shamanic Circle, Monday nights, 19:00-20:30 via zoom. A shamanic circle for beginners as well as experienced practitioners, specialising in shamanic journeying, ritual, ceremony and ancient techniques of connection with the inner self. Fee £15.
  • The Shamanic Way: A thorough introduction to shamanism and the medicine wheel. We explore foundation teachings on how to journey, access the different etheric planes (lower, middle and upper worlds), work with power animals and spirit guides, build an altar and be in ceremony. We also work with the Medicine Wheel, including the directions and their spirit keepers.
  • The Path of the Eagle: Walking the shamanic journey is a four module workshop that shares practices, teachings and ceremonies that will help participants access a deeper calling as they walk their shamanic path.
  • The Path of the Eagle 2: Shamanic Purification: over 5 modules Fotoula shares practices & teachings that help us purify & cleanse old energies from this & other lives & from our ancestors. This stand-alone Course is for all drawn to the shamanic way.
  • The Path of the Eagle 3: Shamanic Ancestral Work. The Shamanic Ancestral Spirits have created this course to help people heal and clear their ancestral line and develop a deep and supportive relationship with their ancestors. As we heal the past, we are able to open to the gifts and the power of our lineage.
  • The Women’s rites – Magic of the Sacred Blood is deep inner work where a community of women come together to harness our Divine feminine energy and rebirth our sacred self.
  • Shedding Skin: A nine module workshop based on Fotoula’s best selling book sharing teachings as well as ceremonies on power and soul retrieval, illness, death and dying, karma and manifestation, amongst other topics.

WebsiteThe Isis School of Holistic Health
Email – Fotoula Adrimi at

Gonzalo Bénard – Blue Wolf Shaman

I am a shamanic healer, counsellor and therapist and also practice and guide transcendental meditation. I’m the author of the book “On Consciousness – Journeys, Rituals and Meditations”. I was given the name Karma Ludro Zangpo by the Tibetan Shamans and master but more often people know me as Blue Wolf Bonpo. I am fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Shamanic Mentoring Course – This Shamanic course will be divided in 9 sessions, during 9 weeks, being 3 sessions per month. After every 3 weeks, there will be a week off so you can practice, and I’ll be available by email in case you need guidance. Topics per session: Shamanism; Sanctuary and Guides; Spirit Animals; Medicine Bag; Consciousness; Detachment and trance; Healing; Underworld and Upper world; Soul Retrieval.

All sessions are 1-1 on Skype and will be given by me. At the end of the 9 sessions, which include theory and practices, you’ll receive a Shamanic Mentoring Course Certificate.

WebsiteBlue Wolf Shaman

Email –

Kenn Day – Post-Tribal Shamanic Training

Kenn is a professional Shaman, Author and Teacher, with over 30 years of experience, offering in-depth training in the Post-Tribal Shamanic teachings, as well as healing sessions in person and remotely.

He has two books on shamanism currently available from Moon Books. Dance of Stones: A Shamanic Road Trip and Post-Tribal Shamanism: A New Look at the Old Ways.

  • Nine workshops covering the fundamental practices and cosmology of shamanism in a post-tribal setting.
  • Opening Inner Doorways – an introductory exploration of shamanic consciousness and journeying

WebsiteShamans Touch

Email –

Emma Farrell – Plant Consciousness

Plant spirit healing – Emma’s online course offers you the chance to step into the inner realms of nature for personal psychospiritual healing with the plant spirits.

WebsitePlant Consciousness

Email –

Paul Francis – The Three Ravens College of Therapeutic Shamanism and Animism

The courses we run come under the name ‘Therapeutic Shamanism’, in that they are about exploring spiritual and psychotherapy practices which can help us heal our disconnection from the natural world. As well as the courses, there are a series of books exploring the Therapeutic Shamanism approach, the first one in the series being The Shamanic Journey.

The online courses range from introductory courses right through to a full shamanic practitioner training. They are held at various times of the year, and at various times of the day to fit in with people in different time-zones. They include:

  • The First-Steps Course. The starting point for learning Therapeutic Shamanism, and a pre-requisite for going on to the other courses. This is a low-cost course, to give you the chance to see whether Therapeutic Shamanism feels right for you.
  • The Next-Steps Courses. Following on from the First-Steps course, these courses focus on different aspects of shamanic work. They can be taken in any order, depending on what aspects of their shamanic practice students want to explore and develop. Find out more here.
  • The In-Depth Courses. These courses go into particular areas of shamanism in detail. As well as shamanism, they focus on the psychotherapeutic aspects of Therapeutic Shamanism, and on developing shamanic community too. Find out more here.
  • The Shamanic Living Tribe. This is a subscription service open to people who have attended First-Step, Next-Steps and In-Depth courses. It includes a strong emphasis on shamanic community and support, plus access to the latest ideas and practices as the work grows and develops. Find out more here.

Website – Therapeutic Shamanism

Elizabeth Meacham – Shamanic Ecotherapy Immersion.

An Experiential, Three-Month, Online Spiritual Development Course

As an author, teacher and healer, I empower people to expand their own connection and communication with the Earth and Spirit realms. Through the Earth Spirit Dreaming shamanic ecotherapy method, I help people transform their stories and raise their vibrations for healing their lives and the world.

All of my training courses, workshops and retreats are offered through Lake Erie Institute.

WebsiteShamanic Ecotherapy
Email –

Jason and Nicola Smalley – The Way of the Buzzard

Learn how to unlock the secrets of ancient wisdom for a more connected, creative, empowered life through our online Mystery School.

We support spiritual seekers in deepening their connection so they can live with greater freedom and creativity. Based on the ancient traditions of our land we will teach you how to get control back of your life by establishing a strong relationship with your spirit guides and developing a deep connection with nature. You will learn about the principles of core shamanism and shamanic journeying, how to hear the healing messages that our trees and animals have for you. We will show you how to align yourself with the natural cycles of the earth.

  • Pay a small regular amount to be a member of The Mystery School and have access to the materials available at your chosen membership level for as long as you remain a member. There’s no ongoing financial commitment: you can cancel easily any time.
  • Learn alongside our community of like-minded folk who are asking the same questions and are feeling the same gentle tug within them guiding them to the answers.
  • Connect with your tribe through our monthly online shamanic journey circles and regular coaching calls as well as in our private facebook group.
  • All the materials are presented as easy to follow videos that walk you step by step through your chosen topics of interest, bringing the shamanic techniques, teachings and knowledge into your life.

We also hold regular free online gatherings focusing on shamanism and nature connection, including full moon shamanic journey circles, as well online weekend retreats themed around nature and the shamanic path.

WebsiteThe Way of the Buzzard

Email – Nicola Smalley at

Sorrell Robbins – Plant Spirit Medicine Woman

Our courses offer a unique opportunity to delve into the profound world of shamanism under the guidance of Sorrell Robbins, universally recognised as a gifted healer, teacher, and ceremonial leader. At Plant Spirit Medicine Woman, we believe in the power of ancient wisdom and the transformative energy of plant spirits. Our shamanic training courses are designed to help you:

  • Connect with Plant Spirits: Learn to commune with the spirits of medicinal plants and tap into their wisdom for healing and guidance.
  • Heal and Transform: Explore shamanic techniques and rituals to heal yourself and others on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
  • Discover Your Inner Shaman: Develop your intuition, shamanic journeying skills, and ability to facilitate ceremonies and rituals.
  • Deepen Your Connection: Strengthen your connection to the natural world and the spirit realm, gaining a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of all life.

The Shamanic Odyssey Online  – Navigating the Path to Wellness with the Medicine Wheel: A Year long Shamanic Immersion for Mind, Body & Spirit.

Cacao Spirit Medicine – Everything you need to be a successful Cacaoista. Begin Your Cacaoista Adventure with the only Certified, Insurable, Live & Interactive Cacaoista Training Course in the world.

Masterclass in Creating Healing Vibrational Plant Essences – Learn how to create your own flower & plant essences, and use them to as energetic medicine.

Learn Herbal Medicine – Everything you need to get started creating your own herbal medicines, which actually work, for you and your family/friends.

Online Cacao Ceremonies and Shamanic Journeys – Once a month I provide a free hour-long themed Shamanic Journey Cacao Ceremony, often accompanied with gongs, on our youtube channel.

Website  – Plant Spirit Medicine Woman.


Munay Ki Network UK.

A network of certified Munay-Ki mentors across the UK offering the traditional nine rites of the Munay Ki. For more information please click on website link below.

WebsiteMunay-Ki Network


Steven and Renata Ash – Sacred Drumming

Steven was born in Cornwall, South West England and at the age of six, went to live on Native American reservations in Canada where his father was the reservation doctor. Later travelling through North America Steven lived and studied with Ted Williams, Chief and Medicine Man for the Raven Tribe and was given the name of Tatanka Wanagi Wichasta, Buffalo Spirit Man. He was also awarded the honour of being a pipe carrier by Ed McGaa Eagle Man and adopted as a spiritual grandson by Grandfather Wallace Black Elk Lakota Medicine Man, who wrote the foreword to his best-selling book Sacred Drumming.

Renata is a musician, therapist and workshop leader using voice, rhythm, music, mythology and ritual as tools for healing, transformation and inner awareness. She was adopted as granddaughter by the late Wallace Black Elk and has been working with the Sacred Drum since 1996.

Steven and Renata offering a variety of courses in Austria and in the UK including their Sacred Drumming Practitioner Course – Three modular training in drum healing with Steven and Renata Ash and their team of UK tutors, at The Clophill Centre, Shefford Road, Clophill, BEDFORDSHIRE, MK45 4BT. Also at Windhof, Innerneuwald 50, 2870 Aspangberg/St. Peter, Austria

WebsiteSacred Drumming


Suzi Crockford

Suzi Crockford is a visionary writer and a shamanic healer. She teaches animist and shamanic pathways to finding our deep connection to ‘All that Is’, believing that if we can remember that we are simply one part of a living, sentient world – and act accordingly – we can co-create “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible”. She is also a maker of magical objects of every fur and feather – in particular shamanic drums and rattles. Suzi comes from a family of ‘seers’ and was raised in deep connection with her Celtic roots.

      • 9 Month Shamanic Apprenticeship – DARTMOOR. With thoroughness and integrity we will explore shamanism in both ordinary and non-ordinary reality, learning and experiencing with all aspects of our being. Some of the work will take place outside (quite possibly in all weathers – this is Dartmoor!) and some will be directed voyages of discovery among the spirits, through healing practices, rituals, celebrations, songs and dances. I will offer you a reading list of books which you are encouraged but by no means obliged to read, ask you to undertake a small amount of ‘homework’ between the meetings and be available to answer questions as you deepen into your practice. We will step outside of time and gather to us the wisdom of lifetimes. The Shamanic Journeying workshop is a prerequisite for this training.
      • Introduction to Shamanic Journeying – The workshop takes place in Moretonhampstead, DARTMOOR or can be booked as a one-to-one day at my home. An experiential introduction to shamanic practice, this workshop is designed to allow you to take your first steps into the Shamanic State of Consciousness for wisdom and healing. You will meet your spirit helpers (power animal, spirit guide and body protector) and start to explore the vast hidden infinity of wisdom, healing and love that is available to us behind the veil. We start from where you are – so if you already have a journey practice but wish to deepen it then we’ll go from there.

WebsiteSuzi Crockford
Email –

Shamanic Healers Circle

A professional association of shamanic healers offering accredited practitioner training. For further details email

WebsiteShamanic Healers Circle

Mandy Pullen – Eco Shamanism

Mandy originally trained as a shamanic practitioner with the Sacred Trust and in 2015 an ‘energetic adjustment’ led her to develop an interest in eco shamanism and way of working that involves looking closely at natural systems, particularly rewilding and instinction. Believing that a convergence of shamanism and ecological thinking and perception can help us to change the way we live on our Earth, she is currently pursuing an awakening of perspective which help us reconnect to our home, our planet, to ‘becoming one with our Earth’.

  • A variety of eco shamanism workshops including: introductory day; healing with nature; teaching the shamanic journey; instinction workshops. Some are online and some in person.
  • Eco shamanism year course – A year long course run by Mandy with teachings from Jane Embleton and Freya Davies at Ragmans Lane Farm, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. Open to all, this series of four long weekends will delve into Weather Shamanism, Micro Intelligence, Eco Linguistics and Dreams and Dreaming with an overlying theme of ‘instinction’ as opposed to extinction.

WebsiteEco Shamanism


Sorrell Robbins – Plant Spirit Medicine Woman

Our courses offer a unique opportunity to delve into the profound world of shamanism under the guidance of Sorrell Robbins, universally recognised as a gifted healer, teacher and ceremonial leader. At Plant Spirit Medicine Woman, we believe in the power of ancient wisdom and the transformative energy of plant spirits. Our shamanic training courses are designed to help you:

  • 13 Moons – A transformational year of shamanic experiences, a fusion of ancient shamanic traditions and modern scientific insights, crafted from the collective wisdom of shamans, guardians of ancient knowledge, and scientists from around the world.
  • Shamanic Illuminations – Munay-Ki Mastery, Cacao Ceremony, and Mayan Medicine Wheel Wisdom – a transformational 9-moon Healing & Awakening Journey. This journey is open to all, from beginners to advanced practitioners, and will guide you on a path of profound healing, personal growth, and spiritual awakening.
  • Shamanic Practitioner’s Path – Join me on the Shamanic Practitioner’s path, and let your healing gifts flourish as you embrace the call to make a difference in the world. With over 28 years of experience, I will guide you through the challenges of becoming a professional and successful shamanic healer and seer. As your dedicated mentor, I am here to help your healing gifts flourish.
  • Shamanic Drum Birthing – Discover the art of crafting your very own shamanic frame drum and drum wand from scratch in just two exhilarating days. This is no ordinary workshop – it’s a soul-stirring journey that forges a profound connection between you and your drum, making it an extension of your very being.
  • Soul Retrieval Shamanic Healing 2-Day Workshop – Discover the Mystical Art of Soul Retrieval. Unlock the hidden potential within you and others through the ancient Shamanic practice of Soul Retrieval. This transformative two-day workshop is your gateway to healing, empowerment, and spiritual restoration.
  • Extraction & Illumination Shamanic Healing Workshop 2-Day Workshop – Join us for an enlightening and transformative in-person event at Plant Spirit Medicine Woman. Immerse yourself in the ancient practice of shamanic healing and discover the power of extraction and illumination techniques.
  • Drum and Crystal Healing Workshop 2-Day Workshop – A playful, experiential 2-day workshop teaching you how to use a shamanic frame drum and crystals for healing and awakening spiritual consciousness.

Website Plant Spirit Medicine Woman


Nicola & Jason Smalley – The Way of the Buzzard

The Way of the Buzzard is run by Jason and Nicola Smalley, edge dwellers and Shamanic Practitioners living close to the West Pennine Moors in the northwest of England. Our passion is anything connected to nature and the mysteries of the Earth. We run regular events and workshops around the northwest including:

  • Weekend retreats to the National Parks where you can immerse in story and landscape and apply the wisdom that is held in nature
  • Regular ‘free to attend’ ceremonies at sacred sites around the northwest of England, re-establishing the bond between man and nature
  • Our annual micro-festival Space to Emerge, where we escape to the bluebell woods at Beltane in the heart of the Lake District National Park.

WebsiteThe Way of the Buzzard

Email – Nicola Smalley at

Sharyn Turner – Shamanic Art

In my workshops I entwine the powers of shamanism and artistic creation. The two complement each other beautifully. These workshops can facilitate deep healing and an awakening to a new chapter. During the workshop you will be held in a sacred and nurturing space allowing you to heal your soul wounds whilst expressing your creativity. Everyone can paint. Everyone has creative talents. If you have a desire to paint, to be creative and to heal emotional trauma then this is the course for you.

A variety of workshops fusing creativity with shamanism in the heart of Glastonbury.

WebsiteSharyn Turner


Jenny Critchlow

I am a teacher, Shaman and motivational speaker, with over twenty four years experience, looking at how we can find peace within us, in order to find peace around us.

I produce a weekly podcast called ‘Why Now?’; speak regularly on BBC Coventry and Warwickshire Breakfast Show and run a project called ‘Sit With Me’, bringing peaceful and meditative spaces into busy places such as shopping malls.

My YouTube channel allows you to access some simple meditation techniques and to listen to some videos looking at how you can find more internal peace in your life.

I offer:

  • Beginning and Intermediate Shamanic Dreaming
  • Working the Medicine Wheel,
  • Shamanic Practitioner’s Qualification

WebsiteThe Peace Gym


The ISIS School of Ho0listic Health – Fotoula Adrimi

Fotoula Adrimi, BA(Hons), MSc, is the director of the ISIS School of Holistic Health, an international school of healing arts, spiritual development and inner transformation through vibrational energy work, enlightened teachings, shamanism and meditation. She is part of the global network of Shamanic Teachers under Sandra Ingerman. Fotoula lives and works in Glasgow, Scotland, has taught in Germany and the Netherlands, and has led spiritual pilgrimages to Egypt. Her first book, The Golden Book of Wisdom: Ancient Spirituality and Shamanism for Modern Times, an Amazon UK bestseller, is an epitome of spiritual learning, mysticism, and soul evolution.

Fotoula teaches Classic core shamanism and the following courses

  • Introduction to Shamanism and Shamanic Journeying (one weekend) You learn the art of shamanic journeying and how shamans access different etheric planes for healing, energy work and divination. We will share how you can safely meet your guides, power animals and helping spirits, how to create sacred space and build a shamanic altar. We explore how shamans around the globe view dis-ease and how they relate it to loss of soul essence and power and what is the power retrieval healing.
  • Shamanic Practitioner Training that takes place over two years (12 weekends and a graduation day). The course is designed to take participants through the initiations of the shamanic path and teach the healing work of a shamanic practitioner, including medicine for the earth, power retrieval, soul retrieval, extraction, death and dying and de-possession, as well as moon and sun ceremonies, ancestral healing and rebirthing. Participants will work with spirit guides and teachers of the light, to become the bridge between the worlds and bring the spiritual light into the physical reality for themselves and, if called, for their clients.
  • The Earth’s Shamanic Apprentice (ESA) Programme is for anyone who wishes to answer a heartfelt calling and work spiritually and shamanically for the highest good of the planet. It is for all who are called to spiritual environmental work, deep personal transformation, and soul expansion. Six months, meeting one day per month.
  • Advanced Shamanic Practitioner Training: This programme offers people the skills to become an Ancestral Shamanic Healing Practitioner. It is a specialised part of shamanic practice and it focuses on ancestral healing, removal of thoughtforms, depossession, working with death and dying and ancestral purification. This course is mutli-cultural but also draws from the ancient Greek tradition of Fotoula’s lineage.

WebsiteThe Isis School of Holistic Health

Email – Fotoula Adrimi at

Brian Anderson – Oakenleaf

I have been practising shamanism since 2004 and I am still as excited and amazed today as I was in the early days. I continue to learn of these ways and the possibilities they open up for us both personally and collectively.

Over this time my work has naturally evolved into teaching shamanism and related areas. These ancient practices really are for these modern times as a support and guide both practically and spiritually.

At Oakenleaf alongside individual sessions/healing days and intensive healing packages, I offer both in-person workshops as well as online and distance learning courses and workshops.

These include introductory workshops and in-depth learning experiences to enhance and grow our experience of life. I bring a broad and creative approach to the challenges we each face using shamanic methods and understanding.

A regular and varied list of workshops can be found on my website.


Email –



Steven and Renata Ash – Sacred Drumming

Steven and Renata offering a variety of courses in Austria and in the UK including their Sacred Drumming Practitioner Course – Three modular training in drum healing with Steven and Renata Ash in Austria (please click on this link for direct page to Austrian course).

WebsiteSacred Drumming



Elizabeth Meacham – Shamanic Ecotherapy Training Courses

As an author, teacher and healer, I empower people to expand their own connection and communication with the Earth and Spirit realms. Through the Earth Spirit Dreaming shamanic ecotherapy method, I help people transform their stories and raise their vibrations for healing their lives and the world.

All of my training courses, workshops and retreats are offered through Lake Erie Institute.

      • Advanced shamanic ecotherapy facilitator training. Participation in an introductory three-month immersion is a prerequisite for the facilitator training. Location: Lake Erie Institute, Gates Mills, OH 44040
      • Shamanic Ecotherapy Immersion. An Experiential, Three-Month, Online Spiritual Development Course

WebsiteShamanic Ecotherapy
Email –


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Please contact the course organiser directly to confirm details of any event listed on this website.


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